Monday, October 17, 2011

The Long Term Crush... I didn't know about.

Let's call this one Peter...

It was a pretty typical friday morning last summer. I was hungover (Damn local gay club) and wasn't quite sure what time it was, but as I do every morning I rolled over and searched my bed for my phone. I finally found it between my legs (shocker right?) I "slid to unlock" and checked Grindr (nothing exciting), than my email (nothing exciting), facebook (Something Exciting!!) ...

I had gotten a messege from a guy I didn't know (Peter).

"You looked good last night... sorry we didn't get a chance to dance... but I'd love to grab coffee with ya, its been a while..."

WTF? (that was the thought in my head...)

So I shot him a quick response back, apologizing for not remembering who he was... and he quickly reminded me.

Peter informed me that we had talked a little over a year ago, but it was quickly hashed out that we were both tops and being young and naive we agreed it wouldn't work (keep in mind this conversation happened less than a year later... how much maturity could we have gained?)

In any case, I stalked his facebook, determined that we had enough in common (I thought he was cute... and we both liked family guy) so  I agreed to go out for coffee.

Coffee went well, until he confessed that he had checked my facebook, nearly daily for the past year in hopes that I would give him some glimmer of hope that we would work out. What changed? I have no idea... needless to say I was some mixture of flattered and creepeed out, but decided a second date would be okay.

Fast forward exactly 30 days, 12 dates and 3 loads blown....

he dumped me. I guess I wasn't his prince charming. his reason for dumping me? I had to much of a gay following, to many gay friends, and I wasn't someone he could start a family with.

if you're reading this story and asking yourself... WTF... that was my thoughts exactly.

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